Hey Google, How Often Should I Drain and Fill My Hot Tub?

One of the most important hot tub maintenance tasks is keeping the water clean and clear. No one wants to get into dirty water.
Not only does it look nasty, but who knows what kind of dirt, debris, and bacteria are lurking in it. If you keep your hot tub clean and change out the water as needed, however, you’ll be able to use it at any time without any concern.
But how often should you change out the water?
Drain the Water Three or Four Times a Year
A good rule of thumb is to change out the water every three or four months. If you use your hot tub regularly, go with every three months. If you don’t use it quite as often and the water doesn’t look cloudy or dirty, you can probably let it slide another month.
While your hot tub’s filtration system will do what it can to keep the water clean, there does come a point where it simply can’t keep the water clean any longer. That’s when you need to drain it and fill it with fresh water.
If you don’t maintain your hot tub quite as well as you should, you may also want to drain and refill it more regularly. You should also refill it any time you feel like the water appears murky, muddy or cloudy.
If you’re in doubt, drain the water. It’s always better to stay on the side of caution.
There are a few reasons why you need to clean the hot tub. By removing all the dirt and gunk that has accumulated, you do actually help prevent issues with your hot tub.
This will help you avoid costly hot tub repair fees later on. It also makes the water safer. Warm, wet areas are breeding grounds for mold, bacteria, mosquitos, and other things.
Keeping the water clean eliminates these issues and can prevent rashes and irritated skin caused by unsanitary water.
How Long Does It Take?
Fortunately, draining and refilling your hot tub doesn’t take that long or require you to do that much. It only takes about an hour to drain.
Then you may want to wipe down the inside of the hot tub, depending on if you see anything that looks like it requires scrubbing.
The manual that came with the hot tub will provide you with specific instructions for cleaning it, so be sure to follow these guidelines. Then refill the hot tub and continue using it as normal!
Remember to take the time to clean the hot tub cover, stairs, and anything else you regularly use with your hot tub, too. You can simply wash off the cover with your garden hose.
Again, most of the time, it only takes a few hours to completely drain, clean, and refill the hot tub.
backyards in style
If you need more information about your hot tub, you can always ask Google to help you find “hot tub dealers near me.” They will be able to tell you how to correctly clean your hot tub.
Or you can ask your local trusted experts at Backyards in Style.