3 DIY Backyard Hacks for The Best Hot Tub Experience

A beautiful backyard is the dream of every homeowner.
However, working on it could get quite expensive. For this reason, many set out to make the most out of their skills, creativity and pocket change.
While there are many products that you can buy to enhance your backyard, there are also a wide variety of affordable hacks that can help you improve your experience, particularly if you have a hot tub installation.
Join the crowd of DIY enthusiasts and discover how many incredible DIY backyard hacks you can achieve at a low cost, dramatically improving your hot tub experience and saving some hard-earned cash in the process.
1. DIY Water Net
There are many essential hot tub accessories that you can benefit from. A trusty water net is undoubtedly one of them. Instead of buying a net, you could easily build your own by using old stockings.
Simply stretch them out around the edge of a bucket, and then skim the surface of the water with them. The fine texture of the stockings is great for catching debris from the surface of the water, including leaves, dirt, insects, and other things floating around.
Not all hot tub supplies can be easily replaced with DIY tools, but this is a great example of how some creativity can help you save some money.
2. Squeaky Clean Water
Hot tubs and spas are particularly sensitive to oil and soap residue. In some cases, you might need to buy absorbers in order to get rid of the problem. However, some homeowners love to drop a few tennis balls in the water.
The material that covers the exterior of tennis balls has the ability to absorb oils, chemicals, soap, and other residue left in the water from users and their swimsuits.
3. Eat, Drink, and Relax
People who love to lounge in the best hot tubs usually enjoy a drink while in the water. If you don’t have a floating tray for drinks and snacks, you can make one yourself. All you will need is a plastic chopping board, or even a regular tray, water-proof tape, and a regular pool noodle.
After cutting the pool noodle into four sections, you can attach each piece to all four sides of the drink tray. If you’re unable to find waterproof tape, simply cutting a slit all the way down the length of the pool noodle will allow you to slip it over the sides of the tray.
Ta-da! With a little creativity and artistic skills, you can craft a perfectly stable and flexible floating drink tray for all your needs! All without breaking the bank.
Not to mention that this DIY and the ones mentioned earlier are all great ways of recycling old items that are laying around the house. Not only saving you money but the environment, too!
Contact Backyards in Style Today
Feel free to get in touch with the staff at Backyards In Style to learn more about hot tubs for sale in Anaheim, or browse our blog for more information and other exciting DIY tips.